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Get set to create

WeCreate is about connecting and creating, about having fun together safely in our own homes. We’d love for you to create with us.

How does WeCreate work?

WeCreate is our online activities program. To join in you can watch us on our livestream channel, PossabiliTV. There is the option of watching our livestream when we go to air, or you can watch a recording, under the videos section. You can find our PossabiliTV channel here.

We also have activity sheets that you can use to follow us in the videos, they will have the recipes we cook, lyrics to songs we sing and important bits and pieces.

How do I access PossabiliTV?

To view our PossabiliTV channel, you need an online device. You can use your smartphone, iPad or computer – anything that lets you browse the net. But if you don’t have any of those, you can use your TV.

If you have a SmartTV, you need to download the app for Twitch.TV. If you have a regular TV, you will need an adaptor stick (we can help you with this, please email us through our contact form).