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Possability is dedicated to helping people develop to their full potential and live a satisfying life.

Operating in Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales, we have been a leader in disability services for 30 years. We also offer support services to children in Out of Home Care who have complex needs.

Working Together

We support people with disability to exercise choice, live with dignity and increase independence while:

  • Getting involved in their local community
  • Pursuing personal interests
  • Building relationships with others
  • Developing healthy lifestyles by being mentally and physically active
  • Maximising independence in household and daily activities such as shopping, preparing meals or paying bills.

We are committed to enriching people’s quality of life and supporting skill development. We provide flexible, consistent and reliable support services that are responsive to the individual’s needs and express wishes.

Our practices are based on research and evidence-based best practice to promote the best possible outcomes. These practices include providing person-centred support, active support and ensuring participation in decision-making processes.

For more information, download our Working Together booklet from our Policies and Practices page.


Getting Started

When joining Possability, you will meet with our Service Planners to talk about specific needs, interests, strengths and goals. From this, a Support Plan is developed that lets staff know what is important to you and how you want your supports to be delivered.


Communication and Feedback

When beginning services, Possability will introduce you to a Service Supervisor who will be your main point of contact with us. In addition to this key contact person, we actively seek communication and feedback through:

  • Resident meetings – held at each supported accommodation site, bi-monthly, by the Client Engagement team
  • Consumer forums – held 3-4 times a year by an independent advocate. Forums are open to all clients.
  • Family forums – an opportunity for family members to meet senior staff and network with other families. 
  • Plan reviews – an annual meeting with a Service Planner to assess progress and identify new areas of development