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The National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a landmark social change that provides greater choice and access to support across Australia. Possability is proud to be a registered service provider in the NDIS.

The NDIS is an insurance scheme, jointly funded by the Australian and State Governments, to ensure that people with disability have the support they need to be part of the social and economic life of the community in which they live.

The trial stage of the NDIS was launched on July 1, 2013, and the roll out commenced from July 2016. Once the NDIS is fully rolled out across Australia, approximately 460 000 Australians with disability will benefit from the scheme.

The NDIS places participants at the centre of decision-making. They have:

  • More choice and control over how, when and where supports are provided
  • A plan that will help them grow and reach their potential
  • Greater certainty that they will receive the support needed over their lifetime.

The new system provides funding directly to eligible participants tailored to their individual needs.




If you are a person with disability and wish to participate in the NDIS, here is information about how to start the process.


Navigating the NDIS

The NDIS is now operating in all regions of Australia. If you are eligible, here are some guides to how you can get supports.

Understanding the NDIS and planning process

Creating your plan

Using your plan

Working with providers

For further information call the National Disability Insurance Agency on 1800 800 110 or visit the NDIS website.


Possability as a Registered Provider

We are a registered provider of services under the NDIS and can support you to develop an individually tailored plan to help you achieve your goals. We also offer Support Coordination for people with complex support plans in Tasmania.

View our Frequently Asked Questions to see what services we provide under the NDIS. You can read more useful information about the NDIS on our publications page.

If you are eligible and would like to discuss your service needs, or if you are unsure and need some advice, call us on on 1300 067 067 and ask to speak to a Service Planner.


John’s NDIS Story

John is a parent to three children, two with intellectual disabilities, Bridget and Riley.  Bridget accesses supported accommodation with Possability through the NDIS. See how the NDIS has affected John and his family in the video below. Read more stories about John, Bridget and other people that we have worked with to support them to reach their goals.