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We would love to see photos or videos of you doing the activities, if you’re comfortable with sharing them. Please send them to

Create with us!

Christmas in July

About: For this broadcast we will be celebrating Christmas in July. We’ll be making Jelly Slice, Trifle and roast chicken.

To prepare: Download the activity sheets and if you want to do any of the activities as we do, you will need to have everything ready. But remember, you can watch the recording of the broadcast as many times as you like:

Activity Sheet – Chloe’s Jelly Slice

Activity Sheet – Will, Bridget and Palin’s Trifle

Activity Sheet – Easy Roast Chicken

Let’s Create: Now you’re ready to watch the broadcast!

Go to our PossabiliTV channel to watch us do the activities.

Design your Own Footy Guernsey!

Download and print the activity sheet below or draw your own outline, then colour it in and send your creation to us.

You can scan and email it, or even better, send us a photo of yourself holding it up.

Activity – Footy Guernsey Design Competition

Tips for Engaging – Footy Guernsey Design Competition