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Tools of transformation

Mark and Don making more than just woodwork at the Men's Shed.

Newly retired Mark started going to the Men’s Shed around 18 months ago, and in that time he’s made more than just woodwork.

Mark and Don live together and go to the Men’s Shed every Thursday. Mark says it’s not only a highlight of his week but it has had a profound impact on his life. “I enjoy making stuff, seeing the guys, hanging out with me all day. It has changed my life.”

Mark has made a sign for the front door, a planter box, a little table with a lazy Susan and a bird box for his sister-in-law that he gifted her for Christmas. He and Don have also made some great friends who often come over for BBQs and midday lunches, and one joined them for a Christmas in July celebration this year.

“I’d been trying to get them into Men’s Sheds for months and they were knocked back,” says Possability Support Professional Maryann. She continues, “I’ve seen Mark come out of his shell. He chats with all the men down there, telling jokes and stirring them up. They’ve made friends that are real friends.”

Next, Mark and Don are looking at volunteering with Meals on Wheels. When asked why, Mark replied, “I like helping people. I just like to. Makes me feel good.”

Thanks for letting us share your experiences at the Men’s Shed Mark and Don!