We all know what it feels like, the uncertainty this virus brings, and so this week we felt it was timely to share the below video to remind the people we support and their families that we continue to be here for them.
We have had to adapt some services and change the way we do many things, but we are as strong as ever in our commitment to provide essential services to their families. Every change we have made has been on the advice of health authorities to keep everyone safe—the people we support, their families, our employees and all in our communities.
To meet this commitment, we are informed by our COVIDSafe plan, have the advice of an expert in clinical governance and our executive team continue to meet weekly. We are taking every precaution while ensuring our services are the best quality.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the people we support and their families for their understanding and support, especially those in Victoria who are dealing with a series of changing restrictions from health authorities, sometimes daily. I would also like to share the gratitude I have for our staff, who have pulled together and risen to every challenge with professionalism, commitment and so much creativity.
These are hard times, but together as a community we can get through this.
Stay safe and kind regards,
Drew Beswick
CEO, Possability
Please find the Easy English version.