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Meeting with Minister Robert

Possability CEO, Drew Beswick, along with ten other Chief Executives from other disability services organisations, was honoured to be able to meet the new Minister for the NDIS, the Hon. Stuart Robert MP on Friday 19 July.

It was a valuable opportunity to introduce the organisations who are members of Alliance20, a group that collectively supports around 75,000 people with a disability in every state and territory, and has more than 30,000 staff working directly in disability services.

“Together we reiterated our strong support for the NDIS and our desire to work together to ensure this landmark scheme enables choice, ensures value, minimised complexity and delivers better outcomes,” Mr Beswick said.

The group presented 21 priority issues to the Minister, and specifically discussed issues concerning:

  • Improving communication with the National Disability Insurance Agency
  • Implementing new planning arrangements for participants, including 3-year plans
  • The need for better data on a range of aspects of the scheme
  • Improving services in remote areas
  • Developing a new e-market platform for Participants and providers.

“The minister was very receptive to discussing these matters and he also shared his own list of 25 priority areas – many of which overlapped with the matters we had raised,” Mr Beswick said.

Minister Roberts asked the Alliance members to specifically engage with him on a number of the issues that we highlighted and he asked to meet with the group again later in 2019.