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Quiz Night Success in the South

The first ever Oak Possability Quiz Night Fundraiser was a huge success raising over $7000 to fund Southern programs.

On Friday 11 August, over 170 staff members, clients, families and community members filled the Glenorchy Football Club to battle their wits, contesting to become quizmaster champions.

Clients were at the centre of the event, with participants in the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Program making up the bulk of the volunteers who brought the event to life. The evening also featured a popular performance from ‘The Superstars,’ a music act starring OAK Community participants.

CEO Drew Beswick opened the evening and was joined by Sheree Hill, a Practice Development Consultant who generously entertained guests as quizmaster for the evening.

It was a fun filled evening full of trivia and winners, including a silent auction, raffle, mini games lucky door prizes! One of the highlights of the evening was an exciting live auction with very own Chief Financial Officer David Nelan acting as Auctioneer.

Quiz winners took home a huge hamper of donated prizes as well as the glory of being our inaugural champions. Funds raised will go towards funding the Duke of Edinburgh International Award program, a new recreational space at Seven Mile Beach Retreat, and equipment upgrades for the Lampton Avenue IT room.

Thank you to all of the donors, attendees, volunteers and committee members, it was a fantastic event and would not have been possible without the support of everyone involved. A special thank you to the Duke of Edinburgh International Award participants for volunteering their time at the event.

Click here to view the photo gallery on Facebook.

Where are the funds going?

Improvements at Seven Mile Beach Retreat

Seven Mile Beach Retreat offers Short Term Accommodation and Transition to Independent Living opportunities that benefit many clients and their families. We would like to convert the garage to a games room and social hub. .

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Program

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award aims to equip young people with skills for life and work.  Participants are challenged to complete activities that develop confidence, independence, responsibility and a focus on community. We are the only disability service in Tasmania that participate in the Award program. We are raising funds to cover some participation costs for the program.

IT Equipment upgrades

As a Registered Training Organisation, OAK has an IT training room that participants use to build their IT skills. The equipment in this room is in need of an upgrade and we are hoping to replace the chairs and headphones for the computers.
