OAK Possability CEO Drew Beswick and parent Sheree Hill at the forum.
The Family Consultation Group was formed after a family forum held by OAK Possability at the Lampton Avenue site last week. The meeting was a great opportunity for family members of people who use Possability and OAK services, to meet and socialise in an informal setting and discuss issues important to them.
This group will replace the Possability Family Advisory Group and plans to meet formally twice per year, with two additional broader information sessions.
Staff members were also in attendance, including CEO Drew Beswick. He updated families on the merged organisation and had a general Q&A session.
The NDIS was a hot topic, with plans to run an information session for families in the future with an NDIA representative in attendance.
The new name reflects the purpose of the group, for families to get involved and consult with the organisation about policy and legislative changes, what it means to them, together with raising issues and providing feedback relating to OAK Possability and the disability sector as a whole.
Practice Development Manager Judy Prodan said the family consultation group is an important initiative to help ensure services meet individual needs.
“It was fantastic to see families from Possability and OAK come together and hear what feedback and topics they want to know more about,” Judy said.
Information about the next meeting will be posted on the Events page and in our enews. Sign up to our enews to receive the latest updates on OAK Possability services and the disability sector.