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Pathways to Employment

We share your vision of a good life—that includes meaningful work.

Your job, your way

Customised employment is designed around you. It’s not about ‘one size fits all’, it’s about matching your talents, interests and strengths to land you your ideal job within the community. It’s an approach that’s been used successfully in the USA for the last 20 years.

At the heart of what we do is understanding that everyone’s journey into employment is unique so we’ll offer several options to suit you.

It’s your job, your way.

Hear about Luke’s journey

“I just became a full time employee… it’s going really well… They teach me a new thing at a time, you know, so that I might do that in the future without being told what to do.”

How it works

A career coach will support you through each step of your journeyfrom core skills to employment. They’ll work with you to:

Upskill for success

For school leavers who need to develop core employment skills before beginning your journey through discovery. Learn more here.

Journey through discovery

Discover your unique interests and strengths – to find a job that suits you.

Get into action

Gain work experience – to explore different options and learn on-the-job.

Start work

Land a great job –  by working with your employers of choice to create it.

Thrive in your workplace

Build a job environment where you can excel – by supporting you and your employer as long as you need.

Is customised employment for you?

Customised employment is for you if:

  Have a goal of mainstream employment

  Are still at school, or have left, and are considering what’s next

  Have tried employment before but found the job wasn’t a great match

  Are currently in Disability Employment Services, seeking a job more suited to you

  Are working in an Australian Disability Enterprise, looking for something new.

Where are customised employment services available?

We’d love to support you to find your job, your way in:


New South Wales


How is customised employment funded?

There are a couple of ways to fund this service. You can utilise your:

NDIS funding or also

Pay directly.

Where can I find out more about customised employment?

One of our community engagement and intake team members would love to chat to you, give them a call on 1800 066 066 or submit an enquiry via the form below.

  • To make sure you speak to someone from your region, we ask you to provide your postcode.