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At Possability, we believe that knowledge is power—we’re pleased to share our publications with you.

Sector advocacy

We speak up to represent your interests—the interests of the people we support and their families—through our sector advocacy. Find our papers and submissions.

Policies and practices

How we protect your rights and what you are agreeing to when you start working with us.


Our brochures will give you more insight into our services.

Annual Reviews and Reports

We have a long history. Take a look at our Annual Reviews to see where we’ve come from and where we’re going.

Other publications

These publications underpin our services and our commitment to upholding strong values.


We’re busy bees and we want to keep you up to date on the many happenings from around Possability. InTouch@Possability is our eNewsletter—want to stay in touch? You can sign up here.